Moving forward together with purpose and confidence

Te Arawa Lakes Trust is responsible for the oversight and management of Te Arawa’s settlement assets, including the region’s 14 lakes.

Te Arawa Lakes Trust was established in 2006 to receive, manage and administer the trust funds on behalf of and for the benefit of present and future members of Te Arawa.

He Maimai Aroha – the passing of Dr Sir Toby Curtis

Kimihia rangahaua

Kei hea koutou ka ngaro nei!

Tēnā kua riro ki Paerau

Ki te huihuinga o te kahurangi ka oti atu koutou e!

Kua hinga te totara nui a Nopera (Toby) Tamihana Curtis 13.11.1939 – 17.08.2022

He tama nā Timi Te Po James Curtis nō Ngāti Rongomai, rāua ko Taipapaki Curtis (nee Paora) nō Ngāti Pikiao/Tainui.

Tangi details will be updated here

Our Purpose

Our History





Ngā Pānui

Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024

Te Waikai Otaota: Te Mahere Nui Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024 Koheri ra! Kohera e! Tutapa mai nuku, tutapa mai whiti Kia rongo te pō, kia rongo te ao Kia pā tata mai tō hau manawa Ki tōku aronga manawa Hai puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao...

PhD and MSc opportunities

PhD and MSc opportunities in the Whakahohetia Ngā Wai Kāinga focus study within the Toitū Ngā Taonga Waimāori research programme Te Arawa Lakes Trust alongside NIWA New Zealand and University of Waikato are seeking Masters and PhD applications for the Whakahohetia Ngā...

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