Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Mā Te Arawa | For Te Arawa

Te Arawa Lakes Trust is our legacy iwi-entity, established to represent the interests of Te Arawa hapū and whānau in relation to the Te Arawa Lakes Settlement 2006 interlocking our unique intergenerational relationship with our 14 freshwater lakes and taonga species like kōura, tuna, kākahi, inanga, kōaro and morihana.

Te Tūkohu Ngāwhā Mātauranga Māori Science and Design Fair returns for 2024!

For its third year in a row, Te Tūkohu Ngāwhā is inviting all young people across the Te Arawa rohe and beyond to engage with their taiao; to think about how the current threats and issues it faces can be mitigated through solutions, acknowledging mātauranga Māori and...

Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024

Te Waikai Otaota: Te Mahere Nui Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024 Koheri ra! Kohera e! Tutapa mai nuku, tutapa mai whiti Kia rongo te pō, kia rongo te ao Kia pā tata mai tō hau manawa Ki tōku aronga manawa Hai puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao...

PhD and MSc opportunities

PhD and MSc opportunities in the Whakahohetia Ngā Wai Kāinga focus study within the Toitū Ngā Taonga Waimāori research programme Te Arawa Lakes Trust alongside NIWA New Zealand and University of Waikato are seeking Masters and PhD applications for the Whakahohetia Ngā...

Hunga Tiaki Taiao begins the celebrations!!!

Te Arawa Lakes Trust Taiao Team invites whanau, hapu and Iwi to join us as we celebrate our mahi on our Rotomoana. We are holding three boat excursions on the “Rotoiti Explorer” in March 2024. ✔️2nd March 2024 – Boat Trip on the Rotoiti Explorer ✔️16th March 2024 –...

Notice of Holiday Closure

Notice of Holiday Closure The Te Arawa Lakes Trust office will be closed during the holiday period from Friday 22nd December and reopening in the new year on Monday 8th January. Our Te Papa Ahurewa and consents team will be back on Wednesday 10th January. Our...

Controlled Area Notice

Controlled Area Notice As of Friday, November 10, 2023, our Te Arawa Rotomoana have been allocated a biosecurity shield to help prevent a freshwater gold clam invasion. Under a new conditional controlled area notice also known as a Conditional CAN, before entering any...

Te Waikai Otaota is ready to go again

Te Waikai Otaota, our treatment for lake weed on our Te Arawa lakes is set to take place again. Te Tukunga Waikai Otaota which is our aquatic weed control operations will be taking place intermittently between 01 November and the 10 December 2023 in Lake Rotorua, Lake...

Strengthening Our Commitment to Protecting Lake Ōkataina and Our Te Arawa Lakes System

MĀWHARU O MĀHURU - TUESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2023   Strengthening Our Commitment to Protecting Lake Ōkataina and Our Te Arawa Lakes System Te Arawa Lakes Trust is committed to support Ngāti Tarāwhai in their efforts to safeguard Lake Ōkataina from the potential threat...

Embracing mātauranga Māori will be rewarded by Papatuanuku

Mātauranga Māori holds the key to solving many of Aotearoa New Zealand’s environmental challenges – now is the time to embrace it as a country. Matariki gives us an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with te taiao, connect with nature and appreciate the...

New Tumu Whakarae | CEO Announced

Te Arawa Lakes Trust is proud to announce Dr Daryn Bean (Tūhourangi, Ngāti Wahiao, Tapuika-Ngāti Moko, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Umutahi, Te Arawa) has been appointed as our new Tumu Whakarae (CEO). Daryn grew up in Rotorua, attending Raukura – Rotorua Boys High School and...

Ā Tātou Mahi

Lakes Managed

Jobs Created

Calls Recieved


Mean Mahi Kua Oti