Te Arawa Lakes Trust is ready to deliver Te Waikai Otaota – Te Arawa lakes aquatic weed treatment plan as part of a multi-faceted approach to restoring the lakes and waterways across Rotorua. Operations Manager William Anaru says Te Waikai Otaota is one of the...
Ko Te Mauri o Ōkāreka tētahi mahinga nui hei ngaki ake i ngā otaota kei Ōkāreka. I te tīmatatanga o te tau, ka kite atu i te whakahekenga o ngā otaota ki te roto o Ōkāreka. I kōrero mātou ki a Rangitihi Pene, nānā rā te kōrero mō te maurī o Ōkāreka, arā ki ngā kōrero...
The ongoing biosecurity efforts of Te Arawa Lakes Trust have been recognised at the annual New Zealand Biosecurity Awards, held in Auckland yesterday. Te Arawa Lakes Trust won the New Zealand Biosecurity Māori Award for our multi-faceted mātauranga Māori approach to...
We are excited to be advertising for a number of positions to help ensure joined up action for the health and wellbeing of Lake Tarawera and its seven contributing lakes. This team will connect, provide support and pursue opportunities to empower Tarawera Iwi, Māori...
Ka hiki te rāhui ki runga i te moana o Te Rotorua Nui a Kahumatamomoe. Nō tērā wiki tonu, ka whakatō i te rāhui whai muri i te whāinga o te tūpāpaku ki te one ki Waerenga, kei te rohe moana o Ngāti Rangiwewehi iwi me te hapū o Pāruaharanui. The Rāhui on Lake Rotorua...
Te Kūraetanga o Te Ihu o Tamatekapua or commonly known as Ōkūrei holds a special place in the beating-hearts of Te Arawa. Together with the rise of Matariki, descendants walked Ōkūrei and warm the land with Ahikā, Karakia, Karanga and Kai. Wharehuia Manley of Ngāti...