Fishing Licence Distribution Policy 2024 – 2025


The purpose of the Fishing Licence Distribution policy is to provide the decision framework that will be applied by TALT in respect of the annual distribution of fishing licences to our Te Arawa whānau.



A primary overarching consideration for TALT is ensuring that the distribution of fishing licences is sustainable and equitable and reflects the kaitiakitanga role that Te Arawa has in respect to Ngā Rotomoana.


The ability for TALT to achieve the balance between sustainability and equitability is determined by the annual allocated budget and the number of eligible registered beneficiaries that apply for a fishing licence.



In addition to this policy’s overarching considerations, the Trust will have regard for their charitable status under their Trust Deed, all other relevant legislation and the views of their beneficiaries when processing applications and determining a charge (If any) for licences they allocate.



There are two groups of eligible beneficiaries.


Group 1 consists of all registered Te Arawa beneficiaries who are aged 60 years or older on the date when applications open and will have the price of “A Local Area Licence” subsidised 100% by Te Arawa Lakes Trust.


Group 2 consists of all other registered beneficiaries under the age of 60 Years on the date when applications open and will have the price of “A Local Area Licence” subsidised 50% by Te Arawa Lakes Trust.


Note, where beneficiaries request another type of licence, they will be required to pay the balance of that licence. For example, if a beneficiary is eligible for “A Local Area Licence” at the 50% discounted rate and then requests “A Family Licence” the beneficiary will need to pay the difference between the discounted rate they paid and the full Family Licence rate.


Eftpos payments can be made in person at the Te Arawa Lakes Trust office. Where payment is required, fishing licences will be issued only once payment in full has been made.


Note: The following example is based on Fish & Game New Zealand’s previous year’s fishing licence costs.


Local Area Fishing Licence – Resident Licence Fee $122.00
TALT Subsidy (50%) $61.00
Request to upsize the licence to a Family Licence
Family Licence Fee $198.00
Less TALT Subsidy (Local Area Fishing Licence) $ 61.00
TOTAL TO PAY $137.00



May Annually (from 2024) Review and approve the Fishing Licence Policy TALT Board
Last Monday in July Annually Communications to all registered beneficiaries will be sent by email, pānui, social media platforms and public notice advising that registrations will be open from the last Monday in July and will close on the first Friday in September and can only be applied for online. TALT Operations
First Friday in September Annually All eligible beneficiaries who are aged 60 years on the last Monday in July and who have registered for a fishing licence will be issued “A Local Area Licence” automatically. TALT Operations


  1. The TALT Board will review the Fishing Licence Policy by the June Board meeting each year.
  2. Registrations will open on the last Monday of July and close on the Friday of the first week of September.
  3. Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s registered beneficiaries will be advised by email, pānui, social media and at least two (2) Public notices in the Daily Post to register their interest for a Fishing Licence.
  4. Registrations will be online only to enable registration data to be analysed beforehand to determine demand versus availability of licences. Assistance will be provided to those beneficiaries who do not have online access.
  5. Fishing licence registration will cease at the end of the first week in September to allow for analysis of registrations and also allow for fishing licences to be received before the Fishing Season Opening Day.
  6. Te Arawa Kōeke who are eligible and who have registered their interest for a fishing licence, will be allocated a fishing licence automatically.
  7. If there is significant demand for fishing licences, a ballot will occur where ALL Under 60yrs Registered Fishing Licence Applicants will be placed into the ballot to allow a fair and transparent process.
  8. If a Fishing Licence Ballot is held, the Chair / Deputy Chair / CEO will be responsible for undertaking the draw in the presence of an independent observer appointed by the Chair.
  9. Fishing licences must be paid in full before the end of October. If they are not paid the licence will be forfeited.
  10. Te Arawa Lakes Trust Trustees, Komiti Whakahaere members and Poutiriao who are regular fishers will receive a free Local Area licence or pay to upgrade the licence.
  11. Under no circumstances will staff reserve or hold fishing licences for eligible applicants.



– All successful applicants will be encouraged at the time of being issued a licence, to register as an elector with Fish and Game and to attend the Eastern Fish & Game AGM and participate in the voting for nominees to the Eastern Fish & Game Council.

– Communications will include messages that acknowledge those with a fishing licence are expected to contribute back to our marae, hapū and iwi.



This policy will be reviewed no later than 30 June each year.