Ngā Pānui
Job Opportunity: Executive Board Secretary/Hēkeretari
Are you an experienced administrator, a great organiser and want to work for a leading Rotorua Iwi Trust? This is a new position created to ensure a...
Te Arawa-led COVID call centre creates 30 jobs
Up to 30 local jobs will be created with the establishment of a new Rotorua-based, Te Arawa-led COVID Vaccination Heathline call centre. Facilitated...
Te Papa Ahurewa – taiao hub to provide independent advice to iwi
A new taiao hub – Te Papa Ahurewa – will officially commence operations in July 2021. Te Papa Ahurewa will provide technical services to Te Arawa...
Biosecurity protection bolstered on Te Arawa Lakes
Protection from biosecurity threats on the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes has been boosted, with Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s (TALT) Biosecurity Officers now...
Scheduled Diquat Application in Lake Ōkataina
In November 2020, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) undertook weed spraying of the invasive waterweed, lagarosiphon on a 55 hectare area in Lake...