Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024

May 9, 2024 | Lakes, Te Arawa News

Te Waikai Otaota: Te Mahere Nui
Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024

Koheri ra! Kohera e!
Tutapa mai nuku, tutapa mai whiti
Kia rongo te pō, kia rongo te ao
Kia pā tata mai tō hau manawa
Ki tōku aronga manawa
Hai puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama
Tihē Mauri Ora!
Toitū te wai,
toitū te whenua,
toitū Te Arawa

Ngā Tono Whakarite | Resource consents

• 68367-AP (Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Land Information New Zealand)
• RM16-0520-AP (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Te Waikai Otaota | Te Arawa Lakes Treatment Areas

Te Tukunga Waikai Otaota Aquatic weed control operations will be taking place intermittently between the 20th of May 2024 and the 30th of June 2024 in Lake Rotoiti, Lake Rotoehu, Lake Rotomā, Lake Tarawera and Lake Ōkataina using the herbicide Diquat Dibromide.

Anō Pea Te Tukunga Waikai Otaota: Follow up treatment may be applied following this period depending on the results of the initial treatment.

Ka Rāhui Tēnei Takiwā o Te Moana: A rāhui on the area of control prohibiting swimming, taking food, and collecting drinking water will be in place for 24 hours following control operations.

Ka Whakatūria Ngā Pou Whakamōhio: Signage will be erected during this time to ensure all lake users are aware of this rāhui.

For a full outline of this spray program, please refer to this document: Spray Documentation