Ngā Pānui
Important Update: Representation Model Online Hui 1 Postponed!
Tēna koutou katoa, Due to the tangihanga of our Māori King, Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, we will be postponing tonight's scheduled...
Join Us for Online Hui: Consultation on Future Board Representation
Tēnā rā koe, He karanga tēnei i ngā uri o Te Arawa kia haere mai ki ngā hui whakamōhiohio, me te aha, he kōrero ki te nohoanga o ngā māngai kai te...
Te Arawa Fishing Licences 2024
Aurakihia ngā wai whakahoki mai. Nau mai te kāhui kaihao o Te Arawa waka, ko Waitī e karanga ana. We are now taking Expressions of Interest...
Te Tūkohu Ngāwhā Mātauranga Māori Science and Design Fair returns for 2024!
For its third year in a row, Te Tūkohu Ngāwhā is inviting all young people across the Te Arawa rohe and beyond to engage with their taiao; to think...