Ngā Pānui
Te Arawa Lakes Trust AGM & Voting
Kia hiwa rā tātou o Te Arawa! As we approach our Hui ā-Tau on Sunday, 8 December 2024, we encourage all who whakapapa to our Tūpuna Rohe to take...
Te Waikai Otaota: Te Mahere Nui
Spray plan 2 for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management 2024 Koheri ra! Kohera e! Tutapa mai nuku, tutapa mai whiti Kia rongo te pō, kia...
Driving New Representation Model to Strengthen Inclusivity
Ōkorotātea o Kōpū / Wednesday 06 November Te Arawa Lakes Trust is proud to continue its journey toward a new Representation Model that enhances...
Ngā Pōtītanga: Te Arawa Lakes Trust Trustee Election Update
Te Arawa Lakes Trust is pleased to provide an update on voting participation in the Trustee Election, with steady engagement across all tupuna rohe....
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Te Arawa Waka, Te Arawa Tangata "Mai Maketū ki Tongariro" Tēnā koutou katoa. He pānui tēnei mo te: Hui-ā-tau – AGM Announcement DATE: Sunday...