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Lani Kereopa joins Māori-led climate action platform

Nov 15, 2022 | Uncategorized

Te Arawa Lakes Trust welcomes the Climate Change Minister’s announcement of a new interim group tasked with constructing a framework for Te Ao Māori responses to the climate crisis.

Te Arawa Lakes Chair Geoff Rolleston says, “The newly announced Māori climate action platform is a step forward, firstly, in elevating further mātauranga Māori led solutions to our national and climate crisis, finally, in enabling our iwi champions to scale out,”

Climate Change Minister James Shaw announced the appointment of an interim Ministerial Advisory Committee co-chaired by Dayle Takitimu (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau ā Apanui) and Mike Smith (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu).

The announcement also includes Te Arawa appointee Lani Kereopa (Ngāti Whakaue, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Wāhiao, Ngāti Hinemihi, Ngāti Tarāwhai, Ngāti Rongomai, Ngāti Hinekura, Ngāti Whaoa, Ngāti Tāhu).

Rolleston says, “Lani Kereopa is resolute in bringing Te Arawa hapū and iwi together to plan, build resilience & adapt where necessary to mitigate any potential impacts of climate breakdown on our communities.

“Kereopa was a foundation member of Te Urunga o Kea: Te Arawa Climate Change Working Group and helped develop Te Ara ki Kōpū: Te Arawa Climate Change Strategy.

“Her climate action leadership has seen her advocate, access funding for, and drive grassroots food and water security initiatives, clean energy projects and environmental restoration programmes.

For more please read Experts appointed to guide Māori-led climate action.