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Driving New Representation Model to Strengthen Inclusivity

Nov 6, 2024 | Representation Model, Te Arawa News

Ōkorotātea o Kōpū / Wednesday 06 November

Te Arawa Lakes Trust is proud to continue its journey toward a new Representation Model that enhances inclusivity, and after extensive engagement with hapū, the Trust is advancing two potential models, each designed to support greater participation and kotahitanga.

The Mana Whenua Model honours the traditional poutiakitanga of our Kōroto by proposing 12 trustee seats for iwi with established authority over specific lakes. This model safeguards our ancestral roles as poutiaki, rooted in our kawa.

Alternatively, the Equity-Based Model offers 17 trustee seats, allowing for balanced representation for all Te Arawa iwi, including those without direct lake claims. Each model is crafted thoughtfully to meet hapū expectations and strengthen our Trust’s role as a responsive, inclusive governance body.

Momentum through Participation and Action – Celebrating a 100-year legacy, Te Arawa Lakes Trust values broad hapū involvement and calls on all hapū and whānau members to actively participate. Both proposed models reflect the aspirations shared by Te Arawa hapū, who are committed to shaping a governance framework that aligns with their collective vision. The Trust’s next step requires 75% support from voting beneficiaries at a Special General Meeting (SGM) to finalise the chosen model, with a target to implement the new structure by the 2027 elections.

Background: A Hapū-Focused Process
Since early 2022, Te Arawa Lakes Trust has conducted an in-depth consultation across iwi, hapū, and whānau, prioritising community safety by delaying initial engagements planned for 2021 due to COVID-19. This extended consultation process has fostered momentum, powered by hapū-led discussions that have shaped the future of Te Arawa Lakes Trust governance.

Timeline: Structured Steps Toward Implementation
Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s structured timeline ensures ongoing participation and decisive action:

  • 2022-2023: Initial consultations, integration of feedback, and presentation of draft models.
  • 2024: Intensive socialisation and engagement aligning with Te Arawa Lakes Trust’s 100-year celebration, with updates at the AGM.
  • 2025-2026: Final consultations and SGM for beneficiary voting.
  • 2027: Implementation of the approved model by the 2027 elections.

For more on Representation Model: