Resource consents and the RMA

Sep 3, 2017 | Lakes, Te Arawa News

There has been a steady reduction of resource consent applications for lake structures since the cultural values work begun.

May last year saw 51 consent applications for new and modified lake structures, compared to 26 currently being processed. Jetties make up approximately 90% of the applications.

Tangata whenua participation in the cultural mapping project has also helped inform decisions in the consent process with regard to the location of structures and identifying the impacts around existing structures.

Participation in other processes such as Regional Plan changes has had a flow on effect to consents. Last year Te Arawa Lakes Trust lodged a submission to the Proposed Plan Change 9 (which focuses on water allocation) and subsequently we have begun to receive notice of consent applications for water takes where previously we were not.

TALT have received a replacement resource consent application from BOPRC and LINZ to discharge endothall/diquat application to control nuisance lake weeds.

TALT first received the proposal in 2016 and took this to iwi for feedback via hui-a-iwi in September 2016.  Whilst there was a general concern about the application of another foreign chemical into the lakes, the majority of attendees supported the proposal. TALT will peruse the consent application received to ensure our concerns have been incorporated into the conditions including changes since the initial proposal in 2016. In the meantime, a copy of the resource consent application along with the submission template can be found here.

The RMA recognises our relationship with the environment therefore the resource consent process can provide a key mechanism for the protection of our taonga and values. In the next couple of months, the cultural mapping project focuses on our lakes Rotorua, Tarawera, Rotoiti and Okareka.  Stay tuned whānau for dates and times of upcoming hui!