Developing a Te Arawa Lakes Trust Iwi Management Plan

Oct 3, 2017 | Te Arawa News

Over the next few months we will be preparing a concise Iwi Management Plan to voice the overarching policy direction for the Te Arawa Lakes, particularly where generalities apply, and consistency is required (e.g. lakes structures, surface water activities, pest plants and animals).

We will use this plan to:

  1. give stronger and more tangible effect to Te Tūāpapa o ngā wai o Te Arawa / Te Arawa Cultural Values Framework
  2. identify outcomes and objectives that are pan-tribal and highlight these as actions for focus. We will signal that anything lake specific will be deferred to relevant Iwi and hapū
  3. provide additional support and weight to IMP’s prepared by Te Arawa Iwi and hapū
  4. provide support to Te Arawa Iwi and hapū who do not have an IMP
  5. provide support to our Mahere Whakahaere (Fisheries Management Plan)

A short discussion paper will be released to Te Arawa whānui in mid-late March, outlining the proposed scope of, and topics for, the Plan.

This way, we can make sure we’re on the right track before we start writing the Plan.  Stay tuned!